At a time when translation standards are being developed
across the globe, it is interesting to look at the different
interpretations of what norms can mean in the theory and
practice of translation. On the one hand, there is the notion
that there are universal principles or laws which predict
some similarities in the outcome of translating no matter
what the languages or the specifics of the situation (for
example Toury: 1995 and 2004 and Baker: 1996 and for a
more psychological explanation, Pym: 2007). On the other
there is the understanding that choices are made by
individuals, either in concert with or despite the
conventions of translating particular types of texts
in particular cultures. Observational studies can
sometimes help us see how the translator's awareness
or interpretation of his or her place in a particular
translating environment unconsciously guides the
translation process.
Candace Seguinot (Université York) - Norms in Translation: Theory, Observation, and Practice