On November 20, 1974, five days after an agreement-in-principle was signed by the Quebec government and the Cree and Inuit of Northern Quebec, along with other signatories, over hydro-electric development in James Bay, Radio-Canada replaced its usual Soirée du hockey with a oadcast of Chasseurs cris de Mistassini. Produced by the National Film Board of Canada, it was the French version of Boyce Richardson and Tony Ianzelo’s award-winning Cree Hunters of Mistassini. The original film, in Cree with English subtitles and narration performed by Richardson, documented the traditional way of life of Cree families wintering in the bush. Now considered a classic, it had a lasting impact on the Aboriginal communities of Northern Quebec. But the French version adopted different strategies, both in terms of production and with respect to framing elements like the packaging and promotional material. Chasseurs cris de Mistassini was drawn into the debate over Quebec’s claim to northern land in a way that the original film was not, and issues of concern to Quebecers were mapped over those foregrounded by the filmmakers, shifting the terms of understanding of both films.